Monday, July 21, 2014

Meeting Their New Baby Brother

My Mom brought up the girls to meet their new baby brother that same day, on Friday.
 (Ciel holding baby August)
(Gracen and her cute little grin)
 They all took turns holding their new baby, with Jensen being the most adamant that she get to hold him, all of the time.
 She did not want to put him down and kept asking for another turn to hold him the entire time she was there.
(A few days before August was born, I had made the three youngest girls matching outfits to wear to the hospital, which they were more than excited to wear since they all love matching each other.)
It wasn't long before Reagan got bored of the whole "new baby" thing and began to try to find something else to do. Anything else, really.
 She was still cute though, the little punk.
And yes, Haven was there too, but she was too busy making weird faces into the camera the whole time to bother with being in any of the other pictures. 

What a goof.
Craig brought the boys by the next day, Saturday morning, to meet their new brother.
They were a lot more subdued than their sisters, and there was a lot less fighting over who got to hold August too.
In fact, I may have had to fight to GET them to hold him.
Oh well, they love their new baby brother, they just don't feel the need to proclaim it to the world.

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